
Paul Hollywood displays his nuts on a wooden table

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Welcome to a wonderful, sustainable, Wildfarmed 2024!

Sourdough wars, peas on toast, bread computer game

Artisan bread recipes, buttie hack, lizard mistake, sliced ban

Fresh bread confusion, potato bakes, fun with tinned biscuits

Pasta water magic, bread price cap appeal, Tik-Tok bread tip

Bake-Off, Bread Haiku, horror bread and cake kindness

Baby food bread shock, Irish yellowmeal, lethal bread-steaming

Giant naan, swan nutrition, and why bread conquers fear

Global wheat supplies, space bread, decoding sourdough

Artisan baking, garlic bread crisps, ancient grain DNA

Artisan bakery treats – The magic of sweet breads

Exceptional products from your favourite frozen bakery supplier

Why we’re your best bread suppliers in Kent

Meet our exceptional plant-based artisan breads

Four classic British breads to delight your tastebuds